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Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is a framework that focuses on intervention best practices within the areas of academic, behavior, and social/emotional supports for the whole child. Tiers are based on student need and increase the level of support provided as a student moves from classroom wide, to targeted and intensive interventions. MTSS is a data-driven, problem-solving framework to improve outcomes for every student. Essential components of MTSS include:

  • The use of evidence-based practices
  • Instruction as prevention
  • A tiered continuum of supports increasing in intensity based on student need
  • A focus on teaming
  • An emphasis on improving the quality of implementation

The goal of MTSS is to find struggling students early and quickly provide intervention that is proven by research to meet a student’s needs. Progress monitoring data is used to make decisions about movement between the tiers.

There are three tiers of support in MTSS:

• Tier 1 includes high quality classroom-wide instruction and support for all students.
• Tier 2 provides targeted support to address a student’s gaps in skills.
• Tier 3 involves intensive support, usually provided more often and in smaller groups.

Contact Us

Evelyn Sifford
Director, Special Programs

Jennifer Andjelic
Director, MTSS Implementation

Sarah Brady
Coordinator, Academic Support

Katie Lapham
Coordinator, Behavior Support

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