Canvas Support
Students in grades PK-12 currently have access to Canvas Learning Management System. Canvas provides a single platform for students to access course materials, as well as educational apps and resources. Students are able to interact with course content, submit assignments, receive feedback, and collaborate with peers in Canvas. Canvas is accessible on the web and through mobile apps available for Apple and Android devices.
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Student Support
All students have access to the Canvas Guides. The Canvas guides are available by clicking on the help icon found on the Global Navigation bar from the students' dashboard. Students are also encouraged to reach out to their teacher/instructor with any questions and concerns using the Canvas Inbox.
Parent Support
NCISD parents/guardians have the option to create a Canvas Parent account to connect to their student's courses in Canvas. The Canvas Parent Portal can be accessed via a web browser or Android/iOS app. Please click on the links below for the web portal or to be redirected to the app store to download the Canvas Parent App.
Download the iOS Canvas Parent App
Download the Canvas Parent App on Google Play
If you need assistance accessing your Canvas account, please reach out to your student's campus.