May I go to a school on my own and request or arrange a transfer for my child?
While you may submit an application for transfer at the campus, campus staff do not approve or deny transfer applications. All applications are approved or denied by the Director of Student Services.
If I am not happy with my child’s zoned school, may I apply for a student transfer?
A parent or legal guardian may request a student transfer for any reason as long as the application is received by the deadline. However, applications not meeting acceptable transfer criteria may not be approved.
May I file a student transfer application for a pre-K child?
No, student transfers are limited to children in grades K-12.
When will I know if my student transfer application has been approved?
You will receive notification via e-mail from the office of the Director of Student Services. If the application is approved, further instructions regarding enrolling your child will be provided if he/she is not already enrolled at the requested school.
What do I do after I receive notification that my transfer application or renewal has been approved?
You should enroll your child at the approved campus.
If we move into another school attendance zone after the school year has begun, may I apply for a student transfer so that my child can complete his school year in the current school?
Yes, if the move occurs during the second semester, you may submit a transfer request. You must be able to show proof of your change of address for your child’s school with a mortgage statement, rental agreement or utility bill showing the new address. If you move in the first semester, your child may complete the semester. If the child is a high school senior who will graduate with their class, the transfer may be granted to complete the school year.
Who approves transfer applications?
Transfer applications are approved by the Director of Student Services. Campus personnel do not approve or deny transfer applications. Campus administrators make a recommendation for approval or denial of transfer applications.
What does “open – having space available” mean?
This means that a school has spaces available at some or all grade levels for transfer students after its enrollment projections for the current school year have been taken into consideration. Projections are based on an analysis of the growth of a school’s attendance zone over the past several years, the average age of the residents living in the zone, the size of the school, the district programs that are offered in the school, and the anticipated number of new students that could enroll in the school during the school year.
Is there a chance that one of my children could be approved for a transfer to the campus I requested and the other one be denied for the same school?
Yes, transfer applications will be approved based on the schools designated as “open - having space available,” and the possibility exists that the requested school may not have space available in both grade levels.
Do students currently enrolled in New Caney ISD have to provide records when requesting a transfer?
Yes, all students will be required to provide documentation of grades, attendance and discipline history. New Caney ISD parents/students can access this information via their family/student access portal in Skyward.