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Student Medications

Medication Administration

All short term medications (5 days or less) to be administered during the school day must be accompanied by a completed Medication Administration Request Form or written request signed and dated by the parent/guardian and turned in to the school nurse.

All long term medications (more than 5 days) to be administered during the school day, as well as medications to be kept in the school clinic throughout the school year, must be accompanied by a completed Medication Administration Request Form or written request signed and dated by the prescribing healthcare provider and the parent/guardian.  Physician orders must be renewed each school year.

Medication Administration Request Form

Prescription Medications

All prescription medications must be in their original pharmacy container and labeled by the pharmacist. The label must include:

  • Student’s name
  • Name of prescribing health care provider.
  • Name of medication
  • Amount of medication to be given and frequency of administration
  • Date prescription filled

Changes in Prescription Medications

Changes in the administration of prescription medications, to include time and dose, must be in writing from the physician. A request to discontinue medication must be in writing from the parent/guardian and/or physician.

Non-Prescription Medications

All non-prescription medications must be supplied by the parent/guardian and in their original container.  Parent authorization is valid for 5 days for over the counter and short-term prescription medication.  A written request for administration must contain the following information:

  • Student’s name
  • Name of medication
  • Amount of medication to be given
  • When medication is to be given
  • Reason medication is to be given
  • Date
  • Signature of parent/guardian

For more information regarding the district's medication policy, please see the NCISD Parent/Student Handbook and Student Code of Conduct