Student Funds
Students use their ID number to purchase meals and a la carte items from the cafeteria. The cafeteria point of service system is user-friendly for parents and students, allowing you to pre-pay for your student meals and a la carte items. Students are not permitted to spend more than the amount available in the account.
Parents are encouraged to pre-pay by check made payable to the student's cafeteria or by credit/debit card at a minimum charge through SchoolCafé.
Funding Student Accounts
Charge Policy
Effective August 21, 2017
Students without money will receive up to 3 meals charged not to exceed $9.00 per student at all grade levels. Parents/guardians will be notified daily of meal charges by phone, email or preferred communication as listed. Students with an excess of 3 meals will receive a reimbursable meal of the following; sandwich, fruit and milk.
Student Funds
Paying by Check: Please include student ID#, Drivers License #, Date of Birth and Telephone.
- Paying by Cash: Please note name and student ID # on envelope.
- Any special instructions or notes on student should be attached with ID#. (Limit on a la carte purchases, special dietary needs should accompany a physician note, etc.)
- All money deposited in students account will remain until money is spent or student is no longer enrolled. Parents may complete the online refund form or visit their child’s school to complete a refund request and a check will be mailed to the home within 10 days.
- Prepay by credit/debit card SchoolCafé.