Vendor/Bid Information
Bid Information
NCISD utilizes IonWave for its eBid system.
View current bid opportunities and register as a supplier through IonWave. You can access current bid opportunities (even if you are not registered as a supplier) by selecting the "Current Bids" button. We encourage all vendors to register through the portal as a supplier so that the system can notify you when bid opportunities arise that suit your company's commodity. While NCISD strongly encourages electronic bid submission, we will still accept paper bids as long as they are received according to the bid schedule for that particular bid.
For instructions on how to register as a supplier please click the following link: Supplier Registration Tutorial. Should you require further assistance please call 281-577-8600.
Bidded Commodities
Texas Education Code 44.031 states that any commodity that the district (as a whole) spends in excess of $50,000 per year must be formally bid. Those purchases must be made by the Purchasing Department completing the bid process or by being a member of a cooperative purchasing alliance.
In order to build an approved bidded vendor list, the NCISD Purchasing Department compiles information obtained from the cooperatives in conjunction with the local bids the District puts out.
Commodity Categories
Texas Education Code 44.031 requires that purchases by school districts that are $50,000 or more in a commodity, aggregately over a 12-month period shall be competitively bid. Bids are based on the district's need for a commodity or group of commodities. If the vendor’s goods or services fall into a commodity that the competitive bidding process is required, the District must use a vendor that has complied with the bidding process either with a co-op or locally with NCISD. Therefore, a completed and returned Vendor Information Packet does not constitute acceptance as a vendor for New Caney ISD.
New Caney ISD is currently a member of several purchasing cooperatives. A complete list can be found in the link to the left COOP Purchasing. In addition, the District advertises bid opportunities for commodities that require a competitive process in the local paper according to Texas Education Code 44.031.
Interested vendors should register with IonWave and/or check the Houston Community Newspapers. For current bid opportunities with the cooperative purchasing alliances that New Caney ISD is a member of check with each cooperative individually.
A list of the district's commodity categories can be found below.