Financial Transparency
New Caney ISD is committed to providing the community with the resources needed to achieve full transparency regarding the financial position of the district. Our goal is to provide these resources in a way that is easily accessible and understandable.
Financial Summary
The following data is derived from the Governmental Fund Statements in the District's Annual Financial Report for the most recently audited fiscal year. Governmental fund financial statements focus on near-term inflows and outflows of spendable resources, and they include the General Fund (chief operating fund), Debt Service Fund (payment of bond principal and interest), Capital Projects Funds (expenditures from bond proceeds and other capital projects), and Special Revenue Funds (various federal, state, and local grants and sources).
New Caney Independent School District adopted a tax rate that will raise more taxes for Maintenance and Operations than last year's tax rate.
The budget reflects the allocation of revenues and expenditures to support educational programs and services. Each school district in Texas is required by law to prepare annually a budget of anticipated revenues and expenditures for the General Fund, Debt Service Fund, and the National School Breakfast and Lunch Program Special Revenue Fund. The following budget documents are the original budgets adopted by the Board of Trustees. The District performs budget reviews throughout the year in which budget requirements are re-evaluated and amendments are recommended to the Board. Therefore, the budget amendments are not included in the original budget documents.
Notice of Public Meeting to Discuss Budget & Proposed Tax Rate: 2023-2024