Military-Connected Families
Texas Education Code § 25.006 requires districts and open-enrollment charter schools to collect data to identify their military-connected student population and submit it to the Texas Education Agency.
The Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) allows TEA to collect data from districts and open-enrollment charter schools regarding their military-connected student population also known as the military student identifier. Districts and open-enrollment charter schools may apply for Impact Aid funds based on the number of military-connected students; however, the collection of the Impact Aid survey is not connected to the PEIMS military student identifier. Districts and open-enrollment charter schools should ensure they are collecting the PEIMS military student identifier through their enrollment process.
Identifying military-connected students helps district and open-enrollment charter schools link students and their families to resources, services, and laws (MIC3 - they are eligible for because of their active duty status. Identifying students will also include them in any communications regarding NCISD’s Purple Star Designated campuses. Verification of military status is not required for the purposes of the military student identifier. Verification may be required if the school has a special program for which there is an eligibility requirement, such as state-funded pre-kindergarten. Districts and open-enrollment charter schools, should not make copies of Department of Defense (DoD) identification cards.
The member can be a biological parent, a foster parent, or a step-parent to the dependent.
Students in K-12th Grade:
The student is a dependent of a current member of one of the following:
- U.S. military;
- Texas National Guard (Army, Air Guard, or State Guard);
- or A reserve force.
The student is a dependent of a former member of one of the following:
- U.S. military;
- Texas National Guard (Army, Air Guard, or State Guard);
- or A reserve force.
- The student was a dependent of a member of the U.S. military or reserve force who has fallen in the line of duty.
Pre-Kindergarten Students:
- A dependent of an active duty member of the United States armed forces including the state military forces or a reserve component of the armed forces who is ordered to active duty by proper authority.
- A dependent of the armed forces of the United States including the state military forces or a reserve component of the armed forces who is injured or fallen in the line of duty.
Contact Us
Kelly Johnson
Homeless Liaison
Cypris Potts
Title 1 Coordinator
Brooke Lee
Title 1 Secretary
Brande Bass
Director, Federal & State Programs
Region 6 Education Service Center Military-Connected Students
Texas Education Agency Military-Connected Students